Tips For Parents
My Child is Not Doing Well. . . What Can I do ?
My Child is Not Doing Well. . . What Can I do ?![]()
My Child is Not Doing Well. . . What Can I do ?
For Parents
Parent Conferences - The Counseling Office can help you set up a meeting with your child's teachers. Before a parent conference is held, we request that you follow the advice from our tip list.
If you haven't already, please check for missing assignments in AERIES, it gives you the most current access to all of your child's grades and attendance. Parents can also create an "Observer" account in Canvas to view the assignments your child should be completing. Go to the
Distance Learning Family Center page for more information about Canvas Observer accounts
Keep track of your child’s progress with the six week progress reports. If you want more current information., please email your child's teacher, all PHS teachers have an email address.
Call the Counseling Office, and review the progress report and attendance with your student's counselor. Ask for specific information on how to proceed or get other questions answered.
Check to see if your student is keeping a daily agenda of homework and class assignments. Attendance and work not completed are the usual reasons for poor grades. In high school, extra credit is usually not an option to make up for assignments not completed or not turned in on time.
Call Pioneer High School and leave a message to have individual teachers call you. Each teacher has an individual voicemail. Be sure to give your phone number and times you are available, what your student's name is, and what your concern is.
HELPFUL HINT: Your voice mail or email message should be specific and detailed. Tell the teacher that you wish to know what your child’s attitude and behavior are; is class work and homework being turned in, what is the quality of the work, and what accounts for the current grade? By leaving your concerns on voice mail, the teacher is able to respond to specific questions even when he/she can only reach your answering machine, voice mail or email.
Call the Counseling Office and request a Student Study Team Meeting. Conferences can be scheduled during the day, before school, or after school. Every effort is made to have each teacher in attendance.