Graduation Cap Decorating Guidelines
Please take into consideration the following rules when decorating your graduation cap. Failure to follow these rules will result in the removal of the cap before the ceremony.
Graduation Cap decorations:
Cannot contain any advertisement, symbols, abbreviations, initials, words, slogans, patches, or pictures that: Refer to drugs or controlled substances, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons or be of a sexual nature.
Cannot denote an affiliation with gangs or which advocate drug use, violence, illegal activity, or disruptive behavior which is detrimental to the safety and welfare of other students.
Cannot be obscene, profane, vulgar, or lewd.
Cannot include numbers other than the graduation year.
Cannot threaten the safety and welfare of any person.
Cannot make noise. No bells, horns, or anything that makes noise
Only the flat, top area of the mortar board may be decorated. There may be nothing hanging down from any of the sides of the cap.
It is appropriate to put the following on your cap.
Thank a parent, grandparent, teacher, friend
Recognize the university you will be attending
your graduation year
the branch of the military you will be joining
Students, we highly suggest you trace your cap onto cardboard and decorate the cardboard. In case you make a mistake you can start over with a new piece of cardboard. We will not furnish new caps if you mess yours up decorating.
After you decorate it, stick it to your cap with double-sided tape or Velcro stickers. Velcro tape can be purchased at any fabric store, Target, Wal-Mart and throughout many CVS and Walgreens stores.
Administration will reserve the right to disallow anything that is not considered appropriate for commencement ceremony.