Cell Phones - Social Media
There are a few good reasons why you may need to use a Social Media app in class, for example if you are part of a group working on a project and one of your group members is at home sick, or you are organizing a meeting time for after school.
Generally though, that's about it.
Teachers need you to be present in class, not just physically, but mentally as well. They only get an hour a day to help you learn the subject that they have been assigned to teach, and anything that pulls you away from that is a distraction.
Another point to think about, if you are using your camera on your phone, did you ask for permission for the students or the teacher to be in your picture or video, or are you accidentally invading their privacy? Without asking, posting a picture of another person could be considered Cyberbullying.
Its better to be safe than sorry. Don't use social media apps in class unless you have cleared it with your teacher first.