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Cell Phones - Games

Cool, you're playing a game on your phone !   You must be in the Video Game class.


Oh wait. . . we don't have a Video Game class.


Yes, there is Computer Programming class, but those programs are operated on a computer not your phone.

Wait you say. .  I'm playing one of the Chemistry Simulation apps. Great, you must be in Chemistry class, because its OK there. 


Oh, you're not?


Clearly you have a 4.0 GPA and have finished all of your assignments for the week and have fully reviewed for all upcoming quizzes and tests.




Then you don't have a reason to be playing games in class, you have work to do.  You can play your game at lunch, or during passing period, or before school, or after school, or at home every night, or every weekend, or all summer.  


Prioritize your time