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Cell Phone - Parent Text

1. It's third period and you forgot your 4th period project at home. So, you think "No problem,  I will text my mom, and she can bring it into the office."


or. .


2. You forgot to tell your dad when soccer practice ends, and if you wait until lunch you will probably forget, so you send him a text.  


or. . 


3. Your mom texts you to remind you about your dentist appointment this afternoon, and you MUST respond immediately. 


Meanwhile your Spanish teacher is explaining how to conjugate irregular verbs, and you really were not paying to the directions, because you were sending or reading a text.     


Should the Spanish teacher go back and explain the directions just to you, because you were stuck in your own digital universe? Probably not. 


For #1.  Generally the office won't accept deliveries anyway, so you need to accept the consequences of not being responsible. 


For #2.  You could wait until lunch, or at least during a passing period to send the text.


For #3.  You have been reminded, just explain in a later text that you were in Spanish class and you couldn't send a text immediately, your mom will understand.  


Meanwhile by not sending or receiving texts, you may now understand how to conjugate irregular verbs in Spanish.