2021 Graduation
![class of 2021](pictures/Alumni/Class of 2021/class of 2021.jpg)
Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony Information
- Date: Friday, June 11, 2021
- Time: 6 PM
- Location: Pioneer High School Stadium
- Report Time: Seniors are asked to report to the Theater by 5 PM
- Gates Open: 4:30 PM
- Live Stream Link youtube.com/woodlandjusd
- Practices: Thursday, June 10 at 8:30 AM / MANDATORY!! Friday, June 11 at 9 AM / MANDATORY!!
As of April 25, 2021, each senior will be able to have 3 guests attend graduation. This is a fluid situation, and may change as conditions change.
In the event of rain (defined as torrential or accompanied by lightening) or extreme heat, which results in an Air Quality Index rating of Unhealthy, Severely Unhealthy, or Dangerous, the graduation ceremony may be delayed or, in a worst-case scenario, moved inside to the gym. We will make that decision by noon of the day of graduation. In the very unlikely event the ceremony must be moved inside, we will communicate about the availability of tickets.
All parking lots around the campus will be open for parking. The gate between WCC and Pioneer High School will be open, so parking at WCC is advised. Handicapped parking will be available at the north end of the school on the basketball courts. Golf Cart shuttles will be available for those who need it. We recommend allowing plenty of time so that you are able, if needed, to drop off your handicapped guests. Vehicles who block the fire lanes are in danger of being towed. We recommend that any valuables you have in the car be stored in the trunk of your vehicle. Vehicles with visible valuables are a target for thieves.
![Parking Diagram](pictures/Parking.jpg)
- For all – dress attire and dress shoes. (please, no spiked heels due to the field)
- For all – The following items are NOT acceptable regardless of color, style, newness or cost: Jeans, shorts, bathing suits, t-shirts. Any senior who has a question about appropriate dress should contact an administrator. Proper dress will be checked as students line up for the ceremony.
Caps – Students may tastefully and appropriately decorate purchased mortar boards. The caps will be checked prior to the ceremony. Inappropriate caps will be confiscated.
DECORUM We wish the ceremony to be dignified and respectful. Toward this end, inflatable items, balloons, and noise-makers are strictly prohibited at the stadium by both graduates and guests. Graduates are prohibited from bringing purses and bags on the field.
PERSONAL ITEMS Students are prohibited from bringing personal items on to the field with them. No items can be left in the theater after students leave for the ceremony. We advise students to leave purses, bags, coats, etc. with their parents prior to reporting to the theater.
FOOD/DRINK We cannot stress this enough. Students may not bring any food or liquid with them to the ceremony. We will provide water.
PICTURES Graduates will have a photograph taken as they receive their diploma and again as they exit the stage. You will be contacted by LifeTouch with the proofs along with the purchase prices.
FIELD ACCESS Spectators are not permitted at Field level. All pictures should be taken from the stands.
BALLOONS/AIR HORNS, DOGS, etc. As a courtesy to those who sit behind you, balloon bouquets are not permitted in the stadium. We ask spectators to refrain from the use of air horns, cow bells and the like so each graduate’s family is able to hear their graduate’s name as it is called. NO DOGS are permitted in Pioneer Stadium.
CAPS/GOWNS Jostens is our service provider. All rented caps/gowns must be returned the night of graduation. Students will receive their actual diplomas after returning the rented caps and gowns. Students will be permitted to keep the tassel as a memento. SENIOR
CHECKOUT Senior check-out begins June 1 and must be completed before students may participate in graduation exercises.
SENIOR ACTIVITIES/FINALS Senior Finals are June 1 – June 4. Senior Activities occur the week of June 7 – 11 and are available to students on the website.
GENERAL INFORMATION FEES/FINALS/DISCIPLINE In order to participate in the graduation exercises, students must not have any outstanding debts. Additionally, all disciplinary consequences (detention, Wednesday School, etc.) must be served. Finally, students must have taken all finals and received all needed credits.
- Students
May 19 Senior Info Day in Gov/Econ classes
June 1 – June 4 Senior finals/Senior Check-out
June 2 Scholarship Awards Night (Virtual) 6 PM
June 3 Check out forms due for
Alpha A – F (1-2 PM)
G – M (2-3 PM)
June 4 Check out forms due for
Alpha N – R (1-2 PM)
S – Z (2-3 PM)
June 10 Graduation Practice. 8:30 AM. Meet at the Football Field (MANDATORY)
June 10 Senior Sunset 7 PM Football Field
June 11 Donuts at 8 AM then Graduation Practice. 9 AM – 10:30 AM Meet at the Football Field (MANDATORY)
June 11 Graduation 6 PM