
Sophomore FAQs
What subjects are required in the sophomore year?
World History or AP European History
1 or 2 Electives
*Students on an Individual Education Plan (IEP) may have a slightly different plan.
How many credits does a student need to be considered a sophomore?
How can a student make up deficient credits?
If the deficient credits are in a required course, attend summer school to earn the missing credits or enroll in an equivalent class at Woodland Community College,
What is the PSAT?
The PSAT provides Sophomore students with an opportunity to take a preliminary or practice form of the PSAT. For more specific information see the
Academic Assessments page under College Planning.

Sophomore Year Checklist
- PSAT - Sign up to take the Preliminary SAT (PSAT) exam in October. This is a practice exam for the regular SAT which you will need to take in order to apply to a four year college in some states. Taking the PSAT will prepare you for the SAT and allow you to be considered for national scholarships based upon your scores.
- Continue to be involved - Stay involved in extracurricular activities. This will help you stay focused in class as well as explore your interests. Remember to keep track of what you participate in and write it on your resume.
- College fairs - Attend our WJUSD College Fair. Also attend one of the college fairs put together by the Western Association for College Admission Counseling (WACAC)
- Stay focused - Continue to do well in your courses. Sophomore year grades are important and colleges strongly consider your performance and your growth during this school year.
- Talk about your plans - Meet with your counselor to discuss your college plans.
- Junior schedule - Select your schedule for junior year and make sure that you continue to challenge yourself and take the necessary academic courses for graduation and college.
- AP - Think about taking Advanced Placement (AP) classes during your junior and senior year (you can take AP Euro in 10th grade). This will help you prepare for college and can allow you to earn college credit while in high school.
Summer (after sophomore year)
- College visits - Explore your college options and visit the ones you think you might want to attend. Take a campus tour, visit with the admissions office, and talk with current students.
- Summer opportunities - Look for summer activities, such as jobs, internships, or volunteer opportunities.
- If you have fallen behind in credits, earn back your missing credits by attending summer school or WCC classes.

- Staff