
Senior FAQs
Senior FAQs![]()
Senior FAQs
How many credits does a student need to be considered a senior?
165 and above
How is a student classified if they have less than 165 credits?
Students are given class status per the number of credits completed.
• Freshman 0-50 credits
• Sophomore 51-110
• Junior 111-164
• Senior 165 and above
Students who do not meet the minimum number of credits for their class will not be allowed to participate in regular class activities. For example, if a student should be a senior, but does not have the minimum amount of credits, that student might not be able to receive off campus lunch privileges, and attending Senior Week activities in June. In some cases, a student might have to make up lower division courses before graduating.
How can a student make up deficient credits?
If the deficient credits are in a required course, attend summer school to earn the missing credits, take a Cyberhigh class during the school day or enroll in an equivalent class at Woodland Community College,
Can a student participate in the graduation ceremony if they are deficient in credits?
The graduation ceremony and high school diplomas are reserved for those students who have completed all of the credit and subject requirements for graduation by June of their senior year, are in good standing, and who have been enrolled at either Pioneer or Woodland High School for their last semester of attendance.
State law provides that students who have failed to earn a diploma by ten credits or less must be offered the opportunity to make up such deficiencies in a summer school program designed for that purpose. Students who qualify for this consideration may be granted a diploma at the end of the summer school program; however, such students may NOT participate in the graduation ceremony.
Only senior students who have met their graduation requirements and have turned in their Senior checkout sheet may participate in the end of the year senior activities.
Can a student participate in the graduation ceremony if they have not completed their Community Service hours?
All high school students must complete a minimum of 40 hours Community Service.
After a student has fulfilled the graduation requirement of 40 hours, one credit will be issued for every 15 hours of documented community service completed. The credits will be listed each year on the school transcript. Students have the opportunity to earn up to 10 high school elective credits through service to the community. Students will need to present verification of hours served and to write a short paper on their experience in order to qualify for credits.
If a student is deficient in credits their senior year, what are the alternatives?
It is possible to obtain a "Certificate of Proficiency" from the State Department of Education by passing the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE). Although not a diploma, this certificate is legally equivalent to a high school diploma and will be accepted by California community colleges for enrollment. A student must be a minimum of 16 years old to register for this test and be enrolled in school.
The State Department of Education may issue a California High School Equivalency Certificate on the successful passing of the General Education Development (GED) Tests. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, a resident of the state or a member of the Armed Forces assigned to duty in the state. The equivalency certificate is accepted in lieu of a high school diploma for military service and employment by state and local agencies in California. However, always check with a military recruiter since requirements for military service do change.
Any person 18 years of age or older may enroll in adult classes. Persons 17 years of age may be eligible in certain circumstances. Permission to enroll must be obtained through the Adult Education Director before enrolling. High school diplomas are awarded to students who successfully complete the Adult Education requirements.
Students who are not able to work successfully in the high school setting, may want to consider the Cache Creek High School as an alternative. The student may graduate from Cache Creek High School, but must earn 200 credits. Credits earned before entering will count toward the 200 required. Likewise, any credits earned at Cache Creek High School will be transferable to the regular high schools.
The Woodland Joint Unified School District Independent Learning Center is an alternative educational program offered to students to meet graduation requirements and receive a diploma. Students will have a course of student work developed to meet their particular needs. Class meeting times and homework contracts will meet the requirements for graduation. This program is for students from the 9th grade on who are referred through the school counselor.
College Planning Calendar - Senior Year
- Look for Health/Shot Records. You will need them when you enroll at college.
- Attend fall college nights
- Visit with college representatives.
- Do thorough college visits (2-3 day maximum).
- Campus interviews.
- Complete application requests.
- Consider essay topics.
Students who are being recruited by NCAA Division I or II schools, or are planning to be walk-ons, need to register with the NCAA Clearinghouse as soon as possible in their senior year. Information is available in the Counseling Office.
October 1- CSU Application Filing Period Begins
- October SAT I/ACT Tests for private and out of state colleges.
- Complete FAFSA financial aid application
- Begin to apply for scholarships.
- November SAT I and II/ACT Tests for private and out of state colleges.
- " Review Transcript with Counselor by Thanksgiving "
- Attend campus open houses.
- Do final list of college applications:
- review worksheets;
- review selectivity;
- consult parents;
- Consult counselor. November SAT I and II/ACT Tests
November 1- December 1
- Final college visits before semester ends.
- November 1st- UC Application Filing Period Begins
- November 30th- UC/CSU Application Deadline
- Give recommendation forms to teachers and others Start finalizing community service volunteer hours (40)
- End of campus visit program.
- Local college receptions for applicants.
- Alumni contact with applicants.
- Request housing forms and send deposits
- December SATI and II /ACT Tests.
January 1-Feb. 1
- Deadlines for many private college applications
- Colleges review applications
Mid-year Grade Report to colleges
- Notification of Decisions on college applications
- End of Feb- Local Scholarship Application Due.
- March 2- FAFSA deadline
- March 2 Calgrant deadline
March 15-April 15
- May 1 Common Response Date Acceptance of admission; withdraw other applications and write thank you note.
Finalize plans for housing, financial aid, and scholarships.
- Wait List Decision
- Visit Colleges offering admission - Final Choice
- June 14: Official Transcript Request deadline.
- May AP Tests
Mid July: Deadline for official Final transcripts to be received at UC admission offices for admitted students
- Staff