Junior FAQs
Junior FAQs
Junior FAQs
What subjects are required in the Junior year?
20th Century US History or AP US History
3 Electives
* Students with an Individual Education Plan may have a slightly different plan.
How many credits does a student need to be considered a junior?
110 and above
How is a student classified if they have less than 110 credits?
They would be classified as either a third year Freshmen or a second year Sophomore.
How can a student make up deficient credits?
If the deficient credits are in a required course, attend summer school to earn the missing credits, take an after school intervention class, or enroll in an equivalent class at Woodland Community College,
Why should a student take the PSAT?
The benefit of the PSAT, in addition to National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) for juniors is the opportunity to take a test very similar to the SAT that will not show up on the SAT score report. The PSAT is like a scrimmage-it doesn't count, but you get test practice and score feedback that should help to plan for the SAT.
While the SAT is no longer a requirement for admission for CSUs and UCs, out of state schools and private colleges still use the SAT as part of their admission process. For more detailed information, see the Academic Assessments page in the College planning section
What is the ASVAB Test?
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) gives students a unique opportunity to learn about their interests and aptitudes in a variety of job related skills. Sponsored by the Armed Forces, the test is used in their recruiting programs. However, the student faces no obligation because of taking the test. For more information see the Military Service page in the Career planning section.
Junior Year Checklist
- Re-evaluate your high school plan to make sure you are on track for graduation.
- Take the PSAT; register at PHS Student Store
- Discuss your post-secondary plans with your counselor and/or parent: Community College, CSU, UC, Tech/Trade school, or Military.
- Begin investigating potential colleges and decide what is important to you: Is it Location, Size, Majors, Diversity, Social Life, or Athletics.
- Start thinking about who you may ask for a letter of recommendation.
- Begin researching financial aid options for colleges/universities you are interested in.
- If interested in military, and you missed the October ASVAB consider taking the ASVAB next year as a senior in October.
- Review your PSAT report/score with your counselor and create a study plan to prepare for the SAT.
- Register, prepare and take the SAT and ACT if you are planning on attending an out of state school.
- UC and CSUs - SAT/ACT not needed
- JC/Tech/Trade school: SAT/ACT not needed
- Private Schools: SAT or ACT w/ Writing, and SAT Subject.
- Continue to research perspective colleges/universities.
- Review your senior class schedule with your counselor.
- Begin creating your college resume.
- Start researching for scholarships.
- Ask teachers to write letters of recommendation for you.
- Visit college campuses.
Scholarships: www.californiacolleges.edu and PHS website, Library and Student Services
- Staff