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Industrial Education

Industrial Technology Faculty

Industrial Technology Faculty


Marquez, Pascal

 WHS - Auto Tech


Watts, Creed

 PHS- Robotics

Department Courses

Department Courses

Auto Technology ROP See Counseling Department for Course Description (5 credits)
Prerequisite: Juniors and Seniors or 16 years of age, Instructor Approval, Self-Provided Transportation to WHS This is a two period class (6th and 7th) Students must enroll in both periods This is a year-long course offering the students' basic and advanced training in the automotive mechanics. The class is intended in auto mechanics as a career. The course is taught with an emphasis on ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certification and the student preparing to someday take the ASE exams. This will prepare students to enter the automotive industry. The focus will be steering, suspension and brakes. This class is primarily hands-on and students do not need to have his/her own car. This course will require material fees and work clothes. This course is articulated with Sierra and Yuba College Automotive Dept.


Construction Technology
Prerequisite: Juniors and Seniors or 16 years of age, Instructor Approval, Self-Provided Transportation to WHS. This is a two period class (6th and 7th) Students must enroll in both periods An advanced course offering training in carpentry and cabinet making. Lecture, lab work, and elective projects are included in the class. The major goal of this course is to provide students with entry-level skills in the woodworking field. One year of this course meets graduation requirements of 5 credits of either Math or Fine Arts. Material fees are required. This course is articulated with Yuba College.

Veterinary Science ROP
Prerequisite: Juniors and Seniors or 16 years of age, Instructor Approval, Self-Provided Transportation to WHS. This is a two period class (6th and 7th) Students must enroll in both periods This course provides a study of common diseases of both small and large animals, the causes and means of prevention. Course work will include the anatomy and physiology of domestic animals, nutrition, and parasites and diseases. Guest lectures, veterinarians, vector control officials and animal health technicians will also be provided to add knowledge of current practices that are implemented in the animal health fields. Students will gain practical experience in veterinary medicine by conducting hands-on activities with livestock. This course satisfies the Life Science graduation requirement. It also satisfies the UC "g" requirement.

Welding Technology 2 R.O.P.
Prerequisite: Juniors and Seniors or 16 years of age, Instructor Approval, Self-Provided Transportation to WHS This is a two period class (6th and 7th) Students must enroll in both periods This is an advanced course providing instruction on the techniques of Oxy-Acet. cutting, plasma cutting, electric eye flame cutting, arc welding, GMAW welding, the development of shop drawings and their use, the use of math in layout work and metal fabrication. One year of this course meets graduation requirements for 5 credits of Math. This course may require material fees.



Prerequisite: “C” or better in Integrated Math I

Course Description: This is an introductory course designed to give students an overview of many aspects of engineering as applied to robotics applications. The emphasis of this course is to provide students with a fun, hands-on experience where they will work in small teams to design, build and program their own robot. Teams will be given several design challenges and, ultimately, participate in a competition to test the worthiness of their design. During the design and fabrication process, students will test and evaluate their robot, all the while learning important life skills and engineering concepts. Topics will include workspace safety, teamwork and organization, engineering process, mechanical design, electronics, programming, pneumatics, media, and competition strategy.