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Health Office

The Health Office supports students' health and well-being at school.  We are open daily during school hours.  

  • Students and staff must wear a mask in the nurse's office at this time. The nurse's office falls under the "healthcare setting" category. We have masks for those who need them.

  • Student's who do not have a pass signed by staff during class time will be turned away. 

  • The only students who need to be concerned about heading to an isolation room are those who are confirmed covid positive. 


If your student has a health problem that impacts him or her at school please contact the nurse's office.  

Sandra Ledesma

Health Technician

530-661-4604 office

530-668-6343 fax


If you need immediate assistance and the health technician is not available please contact one of these numbers:

406-1148 PHS main office

681-0619 District Lead Nurse, Jennifer Sheehan, RN


Quick links:

Concussions help for school

Home Hospital/long term absences from school for health reasons

Immunizations for school

Medication at school

Teen Clinic


For more school health information:  WJUSD District Health Services Web Page