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Grading Period Directions

3 week Progress reports

3 week Progress reports


(These are internal progress reports for teacher and administrative use, these reports will not be issued to parents)

1. Enter in a grade for each student  A - F , or upload grades from your Aeries gradebook  

2. TA grades are Pass/Fail only

3. Some students with IEP's are allowed Pass/Fail grades, check with Case manager

4. No incompletes for progress reports.

For students who have a D  or F at the 3 week Progress report, please use the following 4 codes for data collection in the first comment box

The 4 codes are only given to students with a D or F to indicate the primary reason for the low grade:

E- attendance

F- missing work (content understood)

I- low scores (student is trying but not understanding)

J- behavior 


For 6 week Progress Reports  - Released to students to deliver home

1. Enter in a grade for each student  A - F , or upload grades from your Aeries gradebook 

2. TA grades are Pass/Fail only

3. Some students with IEP's are allowed Pass/Fail grades, check with Case manager

4. No incompletes for progress reports.

5. For students who are receiving a D or F, for the first comment box, please use the same 4 codes used for the 3 week progress report. Additionally indicate with a  "P" code- "in danger of failing" in the second comment code box. The third comment box can be used for any other additional comment 

6. Other codes can be used to indicate the additional reasons why student is receiving their current grade. 

7. Indicate their work habits in class as well as in class citizenship

8. No grade change after window is closed. If teacher error you must go to Admin for approval. 

9. Hard copies of Quarter grades from Aeries need to be handed in to Registrar 


Final Semester Grades

1. Enter in a grade for each student  A - F , or upload grades from your Aeries gradebook 
2. TA grades are Pass/Fail only
3. Some students with IEP's are allowed Pass/Fail grades
4. Incompletes should only happen very occasionally 
5. Other codes can be used to indicate the reasons why student is receiving their current grade. 
6. Semester grades are final, so there is no need to use the "in danger of failing" code. 
7. Indicate their work habits in class as well as in class citizenship
8. No grade change after window is closed. If teacher error you must go to Admin for approval. 
9. Hard copies of Quarter grades from Aeries need to be handed in to Registrar 
Grade Comment Codes
A = Excellent Work
B=  Contentious
C = Improving
D = Poor Effort
E = Attendance
F = Missing Work
G = Study Habits Need Improvement
H = Materials not brought to class
I = Low Scores
J = Behavior
K= Parent Meeting Suggested 
L= Skills Below Grade Level
M = Effort and Growth
N = Extended Vacation affecting grade
O = Contact Teacher 
P = In danger of failing
Q = Grade with IEP accommodations
R = Work is very good
S = Pleasure to have in class
T = Contributes to class discussions
U = Owes fees/fines
V = Essential Assignments not complete
W = Benchmark grade is low